Energy and Environmental Policy Modeling
The primary objective of Energy and Environmental Policy Modeling is to introduce a variety of recent energy-environmental modelingconcepts, and to provide an overview of these modeling concepts.Another major objective of the book is the application of managementscience techniques to energy and environment policy issues which haveexpanded dramatically over the last twenty-five years: the results fromthese applications have become increasingly relied upon by those makingenergy and environmental decisions. Thus, an overview of some of themost interesting work in this field on some of the biggest contemporarypolicy issues is a worthy objective. In this respect, policy issues arediscussed in the following conceptual modeling frameworks: end-usemodeling, integrating supply and demand, aggregate energy-economyinteractions, and multi-sector energy-economy interactions.Hencethe book begins with policy studies. First there is a chapter on oilresource depletion and technological change by John Rowse. Two articleson electric sector restructuring follow, by William Hogan and Hung-poChao/Stephen Peck. The first section is followed by four chaptersmotivated by the debate over appropriate climate change policies: oneby Richard Richels, Jae Edmonds, Howard Gruenspecht, and Tom Wigley onthe implications of different carbon emission trajectories; one byStephen Peck and Thomas Telsberg on appropriate emissions trajectoriesunder uncertainty; one by Susan Swinehart on the potential of treeplanting as a climate policy response; and one by Gunter Stephan oninter-generational discounting. Finally, the book ends with a chapterby Tom Rutherford on the sequence of linear complimentarity problemtechnique for solving general equilibrium problems, and one on theInternational Energy Network by Leo Schrattenholzer, an institutionmanaged jointly by Schrattenholzer and Alan Manne. The work ofProfessor Alan Manne is heavily referenced in every chapter of thisbook.Table of Contents
Introduction and Overview.
Technological Advances in Recovery Methods and Efficient Allocation of a Non-Renewable Resource.
A Concurrent Auction Model for Transmission Congestion Contracts.
Spot Markets in Electric Power Network: Theory.
The Berlin Mandate: The Design of Cost-Effective Mitigation Strategies.
Some Implications of Improved CO2 Emissions Control Technology in the Context of Global Climate Change.
Determining an Optimal Afforestation Policy: A Cost-Benefit Analysis.
Economic Incentives, Intergenerational Altruism and Sustainability.
Sequential Joint Maximization.
A Brief History of the International Energy Workshop.
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