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World Natural Gas Markets and Trade: A multimodeling Perspective

Special Report


This Special Issue of The Energy Journal which focuses on modeling of natural gas markets. The issues that are addressed are complex, the analyses intricate, and the findings often subtle and nuanced. The authors draw upon an extensive tool-kit ranging from equilibrium models to game theory to non-stationary econometric models in an ambitious effort to improve our understanding of these markets. Even a casual review of these papers will bear substantial fruit for the reader. A deeper reading will yield a plentiful harvest indeed.

The volume consists of papers by twelve research teams that participated in a recent Stanford University Energy Modeling Forum (EMF) study of
international natural gas markets and trade. A number of the papers apply a world or regional model to one or more important strategic or policy issue. Others discuss important analytical issues, such as market power, interregional natural gas prices or North American supply conditions.

Publication Date
January 1, 2009